blog Xerneas Break Deck!

Xerneas Break Deck!

Today we’ll be looking at a prize attacker - Xerneas BREAK. Xerneas BREAK is a 150 HP fairy type Pokemon with the Life Stream attack. The Life Stream attack can be used for two fairy energy cards and does 20 damage times the number of all the energy cards attached to the active, and all of the benched Pokemon. In this case, DCE energy cards will also count as 40 additional damage. Xerneas BREAK will be our main attacker, but Tapu Lele GX can also be used in some situations.

Xerneas, with the Geomancy attack, can help us to attach extra energy cards per turn to our benched Pokemon. We can also choose up to 2 of our benched Pokemon. Some other cards like Max Elixir will also help us to have even more energy cards in play.

Garbodor is a secret tech in this deck list. With the Garbodoxin ability, we can stop all abilities on all Pokemon in play and we can still have a free retreat with the Garbodor and fairy energy as long as we have Fairy Garden in play. To use Garbodoxin, this deck has the Exp. Share card that can save our damage counters once Xernes BREAK in K.O.

This deck list also has 16 energy cards. 12 of them are fairy and 4 of them are DCE. In theory, if we can hit 2/4 Max Elixirs and if we use twice Geomancy and manual attachment from our hand, T3 with the Choice band we can hit for 190+ depend on how many DCE we will have in play, but that will be more than enough to 1 HKO Tapu Lele Gx, Buzzwole GX and more.

The biggest problem for this deck will be Parallel City and Hammers. With a single Parallel City, if our opponent forces us to have 3 Pokemon in play, we could lose multiple energy cards. Even worse, if our opponent plays one or two Hammers, we can lose even more energy cards plus K.O. on our Xernes with the couple energy cards can really destroy this deck. But as long as we can keep a smart energy attachment, we can be safe.

The deck is quite simple to play with. Even new, inexperienced players can play with it and have really good matchups against the top competitive decks in the current meta. In my opinion, this deck will have some good matchups against slow set up decks that needs some time to set up, since Xerneas also needs some time to set up, against the decks that needs a Pokemon ability for the energy acceleration. For example, Dusk Mane Necrozma GX/Magnezone - once we K.O. Magnezone, our opponent might not be able to return the K.O, and we can be in a very good position. But with the Garbodor, we can simply just turn off that Magnezone ability. Not only that, we will still just trade one prize for two prizes as long as we don’t put our Tapu Lele GX on the bench.

Xerneas Break also has a great advantage against the Zoroark GX/Golisopod GX, due to the lack of the damage output, which would be limited to 100 for the Zoroark, and 120 for the Golisopod GX.

A Gardevoir GX/Sylveon GX deck can be a really hard opponent for the Xerneas BREAK. This is because Sylveon GX can return two benched Pokemon to the owners hand, plus if that deck play Parallel City you can lose literally 4 of our 5 Pokemon in just a single turn and all energy cards attached to them.

Some other decks, like the new variant of the Golisopod GX/Lurantis deck, could be a big nightmare for Xerneas BREAK, since Golisopod will be able to 1 HKO our Xerneas at the T2 with just a single Energy card and one Lurantis on the bench.

Volcanion should be a favored matchup for the Xerneas BREAK due to slow start, ability abuse, huge energy attack cost plus prize trade. A Zoroark GX/Weavile deck might sound like a problem for Xerneas BREAK, but again, as long as we play smart and play two Xerneas BREAK, neither Weavile or Zoroark GX will be able to 1 HKO our Xerneas BREAK. Overall I really like the new version that we've just built, and it works great. Here is the deck list that can be used in Pokemon TCGO game but you can also find video where I tested this deck.

##Pokémon – 14 * 1 Oranguru SUM 113 * 4 Xerneas STS 81 * 3 Xerneas BREAK STS 82 * 2 Tapu Lele-GX GRI 137* 2 Trubbish BKP 56 * 2 Garbodor BKP 57 ##Trainer Cards – 30 * 2 Fairy Garden XY 117 * 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114 * 3 Exp. Share PRC 128 * 2 Super Rod NVI 95 * 4 Ultra Ball SUM 161 * 2 Cynthia UPR 148 * 3 Guzma BUS 143 * 1 Brigette BKT 161 * 3 Choice Band BUS 162 * 2 N NVI 101 * 4 Max Elixir BKP 102 ##Energy – 16 * 4 Double Colorless Energy GRI 166 * 12 Fairy Energy Energy 9 Total Cards – 60