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Zarvix the Tormentor

QTY: 14

Wildlife Defender

QTY: 5
5 left!

Wild Hammer

QTY: 7

Unleash Elements

QTY: 2
2 left!

Trickster's Gambit

QTY: 7

Totemic Vigor

QTY: 5
5 left!

Tidus the Relentless

QTY: 9

The Perforator

QTY: 11

Tattered Dreadmist Robe

QTY: 1
1 left!

Stevrona Forgemender

QTY: 1
1 left!

Shield of the Righteous

QTY: 4
4 left!

Shadow Dance

QTY: 1
1 left!

Rend and Tear

QTY: 3
3 left!

Rakzi the Earthgraced

QTY: 10

Polished Spaulders of Valor

QTY: 3
3 left!

Poisonfire Greatsword

QTY: 3
3 left!


QTY: 8

Noxious Trap

QTY: 2
2 left!

Mystical Refreshment

QTY: 5
5 left!

Mind Melt

QTY: 8

Maxie the Blaster

QTY: 8

Lordbane Scepter

QTY: 10

Leap of Faith

QTY: 4
4 left!

Landro's Hitching Post

QTY: 1
1 left!

Kickback 5000

QTY: 3
3 left!

Holy Wrath

QTY: 9

Holy Vengeance

QTY: 18

Grim Harvest

QTY: 4
4 left!


QTY: 5
5 left!

Fel Flame

QTY: 5
5 left!

Enraged Regeneration

QTY: 15

Elmira Moonsurge

QTY: 10


QTY: 8

Darkmoon Card : Volcano

QTY: 3
3 left!