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Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards King Mukla LOOT(Buying Qty: 8) $12.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Kiting LOOT(Buying Qty: 10) $20.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Korthas Greybeard (ExArt)(Buying Qty: 4) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Landro's Lichling LOOT(Buying Qty: 1) $10.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Latros Shifting Sword (EA)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Lazy Peons (EA)(Buying Qty: 3) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Legwraps of the Master Conjurer(Buying Qty: 2) $1.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Light's Justice (EA)(Buying Qty: 1) $7.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Lo'gosh (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $5.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Lohn'goron, Bow of the Torn Heart (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Magical Ogre Idol(Buying Qty: 3) $30.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Mannoroth the Destructor (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 6) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Mirror Image (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $8.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Mottled Drake LOOT(Buying Qty: 1) $225.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Mystic Denial (EA)(Buying Qty: 2) $4.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Ner'zhul (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Nocturnal Gaze(Buying Qty: 1) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Ogre Pinata LOOT(Buying Qty: 10) $20.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Owned! LOOT(Buying Qty: 5) $60.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Paper Airplane LOOT(Buying Qty: 8) $5.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Path of Cenarius LOOT(Buying Qty: 2) $2.25
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Pendant of Quiet Breath(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Personal Weather Maker LOOT(Buying Qty: 6) $30.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Phase Hound (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $4.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Plagueborn Meatwall (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $1.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Portal Stone LOOT(Buying Qty: 9) $70.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider (EA - B&W)(Buying Qty: 4) $90.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Prince Kael'thas Sunstrider (EA - Color)(Buying Qty: 4) $10.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Queen Azshara (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Ra'waza Stonetusk (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $0.25
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Rest & Relaxation LOOT(Buying Qty: 8) $10.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Retainer Zian (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $3.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Rise and Be Recognized (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $0.15
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Robotic Homing Chicken LOOT(Buying Qty: 10) $15.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Sacred Moment (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Saltwater Snapjaw LOOT(Buying Qty: 2) $90.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Sand Scarab (LOOT)(Buying Qty: 5) $4.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Savage Raptor LOOT(Buying Qty: 3) $175.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Shield of Distortion (EA)(Buying Qty: 4) $1.00
Warcraft TCG Extended Art Sindragosa, the Frost Queen (EA)(Buying Qty: 1) $40.00
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Soothing Brimstone Circle(Buying Qty: 1) $1.50
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Soul Casket(Buying Qty: 5) $0.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Spectral Kitten LOOT(Buying Qty: 3) $45.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Spectral Tiger LOOT(Buying Qty: 1) $1,650.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Spurious Sarcophagus (LOOT)(Buying Qty: 4) $40.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Statue Generator LOOT(Buying Qty: 5) $50.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Sylvanas Windrunner (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Foil Hero Cards Syreian the Bonecarver (Foil Hero)(Buying Qty: 5) $0.25
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Teron Gorefiend (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards The Footsteps of Illidan LOOT(Buying Qty: 20) $2.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients The Lich King (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards The Red Bearon LOOT(Buying Qty: 5) $75.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Thrall (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Throwing Starfish LOOT(Buying Qty: 2) $30.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Thunderhead Hippogrpyh LOOT(Buying Qty: 2) $20.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Tuskarr Kite LOOT(Buying Qty: 4) $40.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Tyrande Whisperwind (Alternate)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Foil Hero Cards Tyrus Blackhorn (Foil Hero)(Buying Qty: 5) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Vicious Grell LOOT(Buying Qty: 2) $5.00
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Violet Signet of the Archmage(Buying Qty: 2) $2.00
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Violet Signet of the Grand Restorer(Buying Qty: 6) $2.00
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Violet Signet of the Great Protector(Buying Qty: 10) $2.00
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Violet Signet of the Master Assassin(Buying Qty: 10) $2.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards War Party Hitching Post LOOT(Buying Qty: 3) $20.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Wasteland Tallstrider LOOT(Buying Qty: 1) $175.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards White Camel (LOOT)(Buying Qty: 3) $150.00
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards Wooly White Rhino LOOT(Buying Qty: 3) $150.00
Warcraft TCG Crafted Cards Wraps of the Astral Traveler(Buying Qty: 7) $1.25
Warcraft TCG Loot Cards X-51 Nether Rocket LOOT(Buying Qty: 3) $250.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Elements Abyssal Maw(Buying Qty: 8) $2.50
Warcraft TCG Caverns of Time Aessina's Boon(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Agamaggan(Buying Qty: 4) $0.05
Warcraft TCG Reign of Fire Alethar the Blightspreader(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Alpha Prime(Buying Qty: 4) $0.05
Warcraft TCG Caverns of Time Amani Venom-Axe(Buying Qty: 2) $0.10
Warcraft TCG Wrathgate Ancestral Awakening(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Reign of Fire Ancestral Renewal(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Ansem, Timewalker Deathblade(Buying Qty: 4) $0.05
Warcraft TCG Blood of Gladiators Antonidas's Aegis of Rapt Concentration(Buying Qty: 11) $1.25
Warcraft TCG War of the Elements Arcane Barrage(Buying Qty: 8) $0.75
Warcraft TCG Class Decks Spring 2011 Arcane Barrage (CD)(Buying Qty: 12) $0.25
Warcraft TCG Caverns of Time Arcane Enlightenment(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Warcraft TCG War of the Elements Arcane Inferno(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Arcane Potency(Buying Qty: 4) $0.25
Warcraft TCG Class Deck Spring 2013 Arcanomage Misti (CD)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Warcraft TCG Betrayal of the Guardian Archdruid Fandral Staghelm(Buying Qty: 4) $1.00
Warcraft TCG Scourgewar Army of the Dead(Buying Qty: 12) $7.50
Warcraft TCG Reign of Fire Ashenvale(Buying Qty: 8) $3.75
Warcraft TCG Wrathgate Astral Recall(Buying Qty: 5) $0.75
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Aviana the Reborn(Buying Qty: 3) $0.25
Warcraft TCG War of the Elements Axe of the Grounded Flame(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Azzinoth(Buying Qty: 5) $0.25
Warcraft TCG War of the Elements Barnacle-Coated Greataxe(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Beast Mastery(Buying Qty: 2) $1.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Belmaril, Timewalker Bloodmage(Buying Qty: 4) $0.05
Warcraft TCG Reign of Fire Belt of Giant Strength(Buying Qty: 4) $0.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Ancients Beyond the Grave(Buying Qty: 4) $0.20
Warcraft TCG Drums of War Black Amnesty(Buying Qty: 5) $0.50
Warcraft TCG Betrayal of the Guardian Blackrock Spire(Buying Qty: 4) $1.00
Warcraft TCG War of the Elements Blacksoul Polearm(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
