Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Krayt Dragon Howl(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Labria(Buying Qty: 8) $0.20
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Lateral Damage(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Leesub Sirln(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Leia Organa(Buying Qty: 6) $4.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Light Repeating Blaster Rifle(Buying Qty: 8) $1.75
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Lightsaber Proficiency(Buying Qty: 5) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Local Trouble(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Lone Pilot(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Lone Warrior(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Look Sir, Droids(Buying Qty: 7) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Luke Seeker(Buying Qty: 7) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Luke Skywalker(Buying Qty: 8) $19.75
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Mantellian Savrip(Buying Qty: 7) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Milennium Falcon(Buying Qty: 8) $9.75
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Molator(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Moment Of Triumph(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Move Along...(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Myo(Buying Qty: 6) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Nevar Yalnal(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Noble Sacrifice(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Obi-Wan Kenobi (Lightly Played)(Buying Qty: 6) $8.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Obi-Wan's Cape(Buying Qty: 8) $0.75
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Obi-Wan's Lightsaber(Buying Qty: 7) $1.75
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited On The Edge(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Organa's Ceremonial Necklace(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Our Most Desperate Hour(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Physical Choke(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Presence Of The Force(Buying Qty: 8) $4.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Rebel Planners(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Red 3(Buying Qty: 7) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Red Leader(Buying Qty: 8) $0.75
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Revolution(Buying Qty: 6) $2.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Sandcrawler (Dark)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Sandcrawler (Light)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Send A Detachment Down(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Skywalkers(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Solo Han(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tactical Recall(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tagge Seeker(Buying Qty: 4) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tarkin Seeker(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tatooine: Cantina (Dark)(Buying Qty: 6) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tatooine: Cantina (Light)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tatooine: Obi-Wan's Hut(Buying Qty: 8) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Thank The Maker(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited The Circle Is Now Complete(Buying Qty: 8) $1.00
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited The Force Is Strong With This One(Buying Qty: 7) $0.25
Star Wars CCG Premiere - Limited Tonnika Sisters(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
