Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised 3,720 To 1 (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised A Dangerous Time (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Anger, Fear, Aggression (WB)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.20
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Apology Accepted (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Asteriod Field (Dark) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Asteriod Field (Light) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Asteriod Sanctuary (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Astromech Translator (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Awwww, Cannot Get You Ship Out (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Blasted Varmints (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Bog Wing (Dark) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Bog-Wing (Light) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Close Call (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Comm Chief (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Dagobah: Training Area (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Defensive Fire (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.00
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Do, Or Do Not (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Droid Sensorscope (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Encampment (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Executor: Main Corridor (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Fear (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Great Warrior (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised He Is Not Ready (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Imperial Helmsman (WB)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Knowledge And Defense (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Lost Relay (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Moving To Attack Position (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Mynock (Dark) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Mynock (Light) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Never Tell Me The Odds (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Nudj (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Portable Fusion Generator (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Quick Draw (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Rebel Flight Suit (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Recoil In Fear (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Retractable Arm (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Rogue Asteriod (Dark) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Rogue Asteriod (Light) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Sleen (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Star Destroyer: Launch Bay (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.20
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Take Evasive Action (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised There Is No Try (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised They'd Be Crazy To Follow Us (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Those Rebels Won't Escape Us (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised TIE Avenger (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Uncertain Is The Future (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Vine Snake (Dark) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.05
Star Wars CCG Dagobah - Revised Vine Snake (Light) (WB)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.10
