Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tatooine: Marketplace (Dark)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tatooine: Marketplace (Light)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tatooine: Mos Espa Docking Bay (Dark)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tatooine: Mos Espa Docking Bay (Light)(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tatooine: Watto's Junkyard (Dark)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tatooine: Watto's Junkyard (Light)(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant The Point Is Conceded(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Thrown Back(Buying Qty: 5) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tikkes(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Tusken Raider(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant We're Leaving(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Yeb Yeb Adem'thorn(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Aks Moe(Buying Qty: 6) $0.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant All Wings Report In & Darklighter Spin(Buying Qty: 4) $12.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Are You Brain Dead?!(Buying Qty: 5) $1.75
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Battle Order & First Strike(Buying Qty: 5) $4.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Battle Plan & Draw Their Fire(Buying Qty: 5) $3.25
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Blockage Flagship: Bridge(Buying Qty: 6) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Captain Madakor(Buying Qty: 3) $2.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Captain Panaka(Buying Qty: 7) $2.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Coruscant: Jedi Council Chamber(Buying Qty: 6) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Darth Maul, Young Apprentice(Buying Qty: 6) $35.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Darth Maul, Young Apprentice (AI)(Buying Qty: 8) $75.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Depa Billaba(Buying Qty: 4) $1.75
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Destroyer Droid(Buying Qty: 5) $22.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Dioxis(Buying Qty: 4) $1.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Do They Have A Code Clearance?(Buying Qty: 6) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Free Ride & Endor Celebration(Buying Qty: 5) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Grotto Werribee(Buying Qty: 7) $1.25
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Imperial Arrest Order & Secret Plans(Buying Qty: 5) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Imperial Artillery(Buying Qty: 1) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Insurrection & Aim High(Buying Qty: 5) $4.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Lott Dod(Buying Qty: 7) $1.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Mace Windu(Buying Qty: 5) $22.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Mace Windu (AI)(Buying Qty: 8) $39.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Master Qui-Gon(Buying Qty: 6) $22.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Master Qui-Gon (AI)(Buying Qty: 8) $44.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Masterful Move & Endor Occupation(Buying Qty: 5) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Maul Strikes(Buying Qty: 7) $2.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Maul's Sith Infiltrator(Buying Qty: 7) $15.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Maul's Sith Infiltrator (AI)(Buying Qty: 8) $32.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Might Of The Republic(Buying Qty: 5) $2.25
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Murr Danod(Buying Qty: 3) $2.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Nute Gunray(Buying Qty: 2) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant P-59(Buying Qty: 6) $12.00
Star Wars CCG Coruscant P-60(Buying Qty: 6) $3.50
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Panaka's Blaster(Buying Qty: 1) $1.25
Star Wars CCG Coruscant Phylo Gandish(Buying Qty: 3) $1.50
