Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Aron 109-198(Buying Qty: 72) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Blitzle 050-198(Buying Qty: 75) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Bounsweet 013-198(Buying Qty: 81) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Castform 121-198(Buying Qty: 80) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Castform Rainy Form 033-198(Buying Qty: 89) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Castform Snowy Form 034-198(Buying Qty: 87) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Castform Sunny Form 022-198(Buying Qty: 81) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Clobbopus 091-198(Buying Qty: 76) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Crabrawler 084-198(Buying Qty: 79) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Deerling 011-198(Buying Qty: 79) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Delibird 032-198(Buying Qty: 70) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Diglett 076-198(Buying Qty: 81) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Furfrou 126-198(Buying Qty: 89) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Galarian Farfetch'd 078-198(Buying Qty: 84) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Galarian Slowpoke 054-198(Buying Qty: 75) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Galarian Yamask 082-198(Buying Qty: 78) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Gastly 055-198(Buying Qty: 69) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Golett 065-198(Buying Qty: 79) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Grookey 016-198(Buying Qty: 80) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Hatenna 071-198(Buying Qty: 83) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Heracross 006-198(Buying Qty: 71) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Inkay 069-198(Buying Qty: 75) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Koffing 094-198(Buying Qty: 79) $0.01
Pokemon SS Chilling Reign Kubfu 093-198(Buying Qty: 87) $0.01
