Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Baltoy - 057-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Bellsprout - 001-163(Buying Qty: 98) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Blipbug - 017-163(Buying Qty: 90) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Bronzor - 101-163(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Cacnea - 004-163(Buying Qty: 97) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Cherubi - 007-163(Buying Qty: 94) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Chimecho - 059-163(Buying Qty: 92) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Corphish - 038-163(Buying Qty: 90) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Cubone - 069-163(Buying Qty: 90) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Electabuzz - 044-163(Buying Qty: 97) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Espurr - 060-163(Buying Qty: 96) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Fomantis - 014-163(Buying Qty: 91) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Frillish - 041-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Galarian Mr. Mime - 034-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Galarian Slowpoke - 054-163(Buying Qty: 88) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Glameow - 115-163(Buying Qty: 88) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Gligar - 071-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Heatmor - 026-163(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Honedge - 105-163(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Horsea - 031-163(Buying Qty: 91) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Houndour - 095-163(Buying Qty: 97) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Lickitung - 113-163(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Mankey - 066-163(Buying Qty: 97) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Mawile - 100-163(Buying Qty: 91) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Mienfoo - 076-163(Buying Qty: 99) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Murkrow - 093-163(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Onix - 068-163(Buying Qty: 92) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Pachirisu - 049-163(Buying Qty: 90) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Pawniard - 103-163(Buying Qty: 92) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Remoraid - 036-163(Buying Qty: 86) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Rolycoly - 078-163(Buying Qty: 92) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Saladint - 027-163(Buying Qty: 94) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Scatterbug - 011-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Shinx - 046-163(Buying Qty: 91) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Silicobra - 081-163(Buying Qty: 95) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Sizzlipede - 029-163(Buying Qty: 92) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Spearow - 111-163(Buying Qty: 94) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Spoink - 055-163(Buying Qty: 91) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Tepig - 023-163(Buying Qty: 91) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Timburr - 073-163(Buying Qty: 93) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Yamper - 052-163(Buying Qty: 90) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Zubat - 089-163(Buying Qty: 89) $0.01
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Aegislash - 107-163(Buying Qty: 19) $0.05
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Aegislash - 108-163 (Buying Qty: 19) $0.02
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Boltund - 053-163(Buying Qty: 20) $0.02
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Bronzong - 102-163(Buying Qty: 16) $0.10
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Bruno - 158-163 FULL ART(Buying Qty: 20) $1.75
Pokemon SS Battle Styles Bruno - 172-163 RAINBOW RARE(Buying Qty: 20) $3.00
