Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon Jungle Bellsprout 49-64(Buying Qty: 32) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Cubone 50-64(Buying Qty: 44) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Eevee 51-64(Buying Qty: 37) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Exeggcute 52-64(Buying Qty: 44) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Goldeen 53-64(Buying Qty: 49) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Jigglypuff 54-64(Buying Qty: 46) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Mankey 55-64(Buying Qty: 47) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Meowth 56-64(Buying Qty: 44) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Nidoran 57-64(Buying Qty: 47) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Oddish 58-64(Buying Qty: 44) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Paras 59-64(Buying Qty: 41) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Pikachu 60-64(Buying Qty: 43) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Poke Ball 64-64(Buying Qty: 45) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Rhyhorn 61-64(Buying Qty: 46) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Spearow 62-64(Buying Qty: 43) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Venonat 63-64(Buying Qty: 48) $0.05
Pokemon Jungle Clefable 17-64(Buying Qty: 45) $1.25
Pokemon Jungle Electrode 18-64(Buying Qty: 48) $1.00
Pokemon Jungle Flareon 19-64(Buying Qty: 43) $4.50
Pokemon Jungle Jolteon 20-64(Buying Qty: 43) $3.00
Pokemon Jungle Kangaskhan 21-64(Buying Qty: 43) $0.75
Pokemon Jungle Mr. Mime 22-64(Buying Qty: 48) $1.75
Pokemon Jungle Nidoqueen 23-64(Buying Qty: 49) $1.75
Pokemon Jungle Pidgeot 24-64(Buying Qty: 45) $1.75
Pokemon Jungle Pinsir 25-64(Buying Qty: 24) $1.25
Pokemon Jungle Scyther 26-64(Buying Qty: 46) $4.75
Pokemon Jungle Snorlax 27-64(Buying Qty: 47) $2.50
Pokemon Jungle Vaporeon 28-64(Buying Qty: 47) $3.50
Pokemon Jungle Venomoth 29-64(Buying Qty: 45) $1.00
Pokemon Jungle Victreebel 30-64(Buying Qty: 49) $1.00
Pokemon Jungle Vileplume 31-64(Buying Qty: 48) $1.00
Pokemon Jungle Wigglytuff 32-64(Buying Qty: 47) $1.25
Pokemon Jungle Clefable 1-64(Buying Qty: 45) $8.00
Pokemon Jungle Clefable 1-64 (No Set symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $7.00
Pokemon Jungle Electrode 2-64(Buying Qty: 48) $8.00
Pokemon Jungle Electrode 2-64 (No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $25.00
Pokemon Jungle Flareon 3-64(Buying Qty: 48) $24.00
Pokemon Jungle Flareon 3-64 (No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $40.00
Pokemon Jungle Jolteon 4-64(Buying Qty: 50) $25.00
Pokemon Jungle Jolteon 4-64 (No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 49) $35.00
Pokemon Jungle Kangaskhan 5-64(Buying Qty: 46) $5.75
Pokemon Jungle Kangaskhan 5-64 (No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $15.00
Pokemon Jungle Mr. Mime 6-64(Buying Qty: 48) $10.00
Pokemon Jungle Mr. Mime 6-64 (No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $20.00
Pokemon Jungle Nidoqueen 7-64(Buying Qty: 49) $8.00
Pokemon Jungle Nidoqueen 7-64 No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $14.00
Pokemon Jungle Pidgeot 8-64(Buying Qty: 48) $16.00
Pokemon Jungle Pidgeot 8-64 (No Set Symbol Misprint)(Buying Qty: 50) $28.00
