Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Magmar 52-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Magmortar 2-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Manaphy 3-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Mankey 53-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Metagross 4-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Metang 33-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Minun 34-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Misdreavus 54-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Mismagius 5-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Natu 55-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Ninetales 20-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $3.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Numel 35-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Octillery 6-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Onix 56-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Onix 57-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Plus Power 80-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Plusle 36-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Pokemon Circulator 81-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Politoed 7-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Poliwag 58-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Poliwhirl 37-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Poliwrath 21-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Primape 22-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Pupitar 38-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Pupitar 39-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Rare Candy 82-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $3.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Remoraid 59-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Riolu 60-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Roselia 61-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Roserade 23-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Seadra 40-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Shaymin 8-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $2.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Spearow 62-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Squirtle 63-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Stantler 64-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Steelix 24-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Sudowood 9-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Super Scoop Up 83-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.50
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Tauros 41-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Teddiursa 65-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Torkoal 25-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Torterra 10-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Tropius 66-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Turtwig 67-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Tyranitar 26-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $1.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Ursaring 27-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Vulpix 68-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.50
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Wartotle 42-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Weedle 69-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Xatu 11-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Zubat 70-95 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.50
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Cheerleader's Cheer 71-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Cherrim 28-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Dual Ball 72-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.15
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Dunsparce 29-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Emcee's Chatter 73-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Energy Returner 74-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Engineer's Adjustments 75-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Golbat 30-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Good Rod 76-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.08
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Grotle 31-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Interviewer's Questions 77-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Judge 78-95(Buying Qty: 20) $1.50
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Kakuna 32-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Life Herb 79-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Metang 33-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Minun 34-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Numel 35-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Plus Power 80-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Plusle 36-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Pokemon Circulator 81-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Poliwhirl 37-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Pupitar 38-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Pupitar 39-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Rare Candy 82-95(Buying Qty: 20) $2.75
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Seadra 40-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Super Scoop Up 83-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Tauros 41-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Wartotle 42-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
