Sell us your collections!

Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Aipom 43-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Beldum 44-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Buizel 45-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Carnivine 46-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Cherubi 47-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Chinchou 48-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Horsea 49-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Larvitar 50-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Larvitar 51-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Magmar 52-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Mankey 53-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Misdreavus 54-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Natu 55-95(Buying Qty: 19) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Onix 56-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Onix 57-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Poliwag 58-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Remoraid 59-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Riolu 60-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Roselia 61-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Spearow 62-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Squirtle 63-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Stantler 64-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Teddiursa 65-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Tropius 66-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Turtwig 67-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Vulpix 68-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Weedle 69-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Zubat 70-95(Buying Qty: 20) $0.07
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Alph Lithograph 96-95(Buying Qty: 10) $17.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Beedrill 12-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Blastoise 13-95(Buying Qty: 10) $3.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Crobat 14-95(Buying Qty: 9) $0.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Crobat 84-95(Buying Qty: 10) $9.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Entei & Raikou Legend 90-95(Buying Qty: 10) $25.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Entei & Raikou Legend 91-95(Buying Qty: 10) $34.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Fearow 15-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Floatzel 16-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Jirachi 1-95(Buying Qty: 9) $4.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Kingdra 17-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Kingdra 85-95(Buying Qty: 9) $10.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Lanturn 18-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Lanturn 86-95(Buying Qty: 10) $7.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Lucario 19-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Magmortar 2-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.75
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Manaphy 3-95(Buying Qty: 10) $1.25
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Metagross 4-95(Buying Qty: 10) $1.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Mismagius 5-95(Buying Qty: 10) $1.00
Pokemon HGSS Unleashed Ninetales 20-95(Buying Qty: 10) $0.35
