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Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

If you have any of these items simply add them to a BuyList Order, tell us how many you have, and send em our way! We'll review the order and if everything looks good you'll get some phat cash or coins! Make sure you've read and agree to the BuyList Terms and Conditions so you know what's going on!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon Generations Caterpie 3-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Clefairy 50-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Darkness Energy 81-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Diglett 38-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Doduo 55-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Fairy Energy 83-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Fighting Energy 80-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Fire Energy 76-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Gastly 33-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Geodude 43-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Grass Energy 75-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Krabby 21-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Lightning Energy 78-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Machop 40-83(Buying Qty: 97) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Magikarp 22-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Magmar 16-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Meowth 53-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Metal Energy 82-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Paras 6-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Pikachu 26-83(Buying Qty: 96) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Ponyta 14-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Psychic Energy 79-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Rhyhorn 49-83(Buying Qty: 97) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Shellder 19-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Slowpoke 32-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Tangela 8-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Water Energy 77-83(Buying Qty: 100) $0.01
Pokemon Generations Zubat 30-83(Buying Qty: 99) $0.03
Pokemon Generations Altaria RC24-RC32(Buying Qty: 14) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Charizard RC5-RC32(Buying Qty: 12) $6.00
Pokemon Generations Charmander RC3-RC32(Buying Qty: 18) $1.75
Pokemon Generations Charmeleon RC4-RC32(Buying Qty: 15) $2.25
Pokemon Generations Chikorita RC1-RC32(Buying Qty: 17) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Dedenne RC10-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.50
Pokemon Generations Diancie RC22-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Espurr RC14-RC32(Buying Qty: 19) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Flabebe RC17-RC32(Buying Qty: 19) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Flareon EX FULL ART RC28-RC32(Buying Qty: 12) $15.00
Pokemon Generations Flareon EX RC6-RC32(Buying Qty: 11) $6.75
Pokemon Generations Fletchling RC25-RC32(Buying Qty: 17) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Floette RC18-RC32(Buying Qty: 19) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Floral Crown RC26-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Froslass RC8-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Froslass RC8-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Gardevoir EX FULL ART RC30-RC32(Buying Qty: 15) $3.00
Pokemon Generations Gulpin RC12-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Jirachi RC13-RC32(Buying Qty: 15) $0.50
Pokemon Generations M Gardevoir EX RC31-RC32(Buying Qty: 11) $5.75
Pokemon Generations Meowstic RC15-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Pikachu FULL ART RC29-RC32(Buying Qty: 14) $10.00
Pokemon Generations Raichu RC9-RC32(Buying Qty: 18) $0.50
Pokemon Generations Shroomish RC2-RC34(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Slurpuff RC20-RC32(Buying Qty: 19) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Snorunt RC7-RC32(Buying Qty: 17) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Swablu RC23-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Swirlix RC19-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Sylveon EX FULL ART RC32-RC32(Buying Qty: 13) $13.00
Pokemon Generations Sylveon EX RC21-RC32(Buying Qty: 10) $6.00
Pokemon Generations Wally RC27-RC32(Buying Qty: 17) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Wobbuffett RC11-RC32(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Yveltal RC16-RC32(Buying Qty: 16) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Articuno 25-83(Buying Qty: 18) $7.50
Pokemon Generations Blastoise EX 17-83(Buying Qty: 18) $3.25
Pokemon Generations Butterfree 5-83(Buying Qty: 19) $0.75
Pokemon Generations Charizard EX 11-83(Buying Qty: 15) $9.00
Pokemon Generations Dodrio 56-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Dugtrio 39-83(Buying Qty: 18) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Gengar 35-83(Buying Qty: 16) $2.00
Pokemon Generations Golem 45-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.50
Pokemon Generations Golem EX 46-83(Buying Qty: 18) $1.25
Pokemon Generations Gyarados 23-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Hitmonchan 48-83(Buying Qty: 19) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Hitmonlee 47-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Jolteon EX 28-83(Buying Qty: 14) $6.00
Pokemon Generations Jynx 36-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Leafeon EX 10-83(Buying Qty: 16) $7.75
Pokemon Generations M Blastoise EX 18-83(Buying Qty: 14) $6.00
Pokemon Generations M Charizard EX 12-83(Buying Qty: 16) $38.00
Pokemon Generations M Venusaur EX 2-83(Buying Qty: 18) $4.75
Pokemon Generations Machamp 42-83(Buying Qty: 14) $0.25
Pokemon Generations Meowstic EX 37-83(Buying Qty: 17) $1.25
Pokemon Generations Ninetales EX 13-83(Buying Qty: 18) $2.00
Pokemon Generations Parasect 7-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Pinsir 9-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Raichu 27-83(Buying Qty: 17) $0.50
Pokemon Generations Rapidash 15-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Snorlax 58-83(Buying Qty: 20) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Tauros 57-83(Buying Qty: 19) $0.05
Pokemon Generations Vaporeon EX 24-83(Buying Qty: 18) $7.50
Pokemon Generations Venusaur EX 1-83(Buying Qty: 16) $2.75
Pokemon Generations Zapdos 29-83(Buying Qty: 18) $7.00
Pokemon Generations Butterfree 5-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Caterpie 3-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Clefable 51-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Clefairy 50-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Clemont 59-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Cloyster 20-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Crushing Hammer 60-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
Pokemon Generations Darkness Energy 81-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.75
Pokemon Generations Diglett 38-83 (RH)(Buying Qty: 20) $0.10
