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Got some cards you're ready to part with? Want some in-store credits??! Here's a list of items we're looking to buy from YOU!

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Select Subcategory:
Category Subcategory Item We'll Pay Qty
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Baltoy - 60-106(Buying Qty: 13) $0.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Buizel - 61-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Cacnea - 62-106(Buying Qty: 12) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Cacnea 62-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 19) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Caterpie - 63-106(Buying Qty: 11) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Clamperl - 64-106(Buying Qty: 16) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Drowzee - 65-106(Buying Qty: 12) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Ekans - 66-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Feebas - 67-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Glameow - 68-106(Buying Qty: 12) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Houndour - 69-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Igglybuff - 70-106(Buying Qty: 13) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Illumise - 71-106(Buying Qty: 16) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Jigglypuff - 72-106(Buying Qty: 11) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Kakuna - 73-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Koffing - 74-106(Buying Qty: 16) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Krabby - 75-106(Buying Qty: 11) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Lunatone - 76-106(Buying Qty: 16) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Luvdisc - 77-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Makuhita - 78-106(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Mankey - 79-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Mudkip - 80-106(Buying Qty: 10) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Porygon - 81-106(Buying Qty: 13) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Slowpoke - 82-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Slugma - 83-106(Buying Qty: 11) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Snubbull - 84-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Solrock - 85-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Swablu - 86-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Tangela - 87-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Togepi - 88-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Torchic - 89-106(Buying Qty: 12) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Treecko - 90-106(Buying Qty: 13) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Unown L - 91-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Volbeat - 92-106(Buying Qty: 15) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Weedle - 93-106(Buying Qty: 12) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Whismur - 94-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Wingull - 95-106(Buying Qty: 16) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Zigzagoon - 96-106(Buying Qty: 14) $0.05
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Altaria - 12-106(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Beedrill - 13-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Blaziken - 1-106(Buying Qty: 8) $5.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Butterfree - 14-106(Buying Qty: 8) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Claydol - 15-106(Buying Qty: 8) $1.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Cresselia - 2-106(Buying Qty: 9) $2.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Cresselia Lv.X - 103-106(Buying Qty: 9) $8.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Darkrai - 3-106(Buying Qty: 9) $5.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Darkrai - 4-106(Buying Qty: 9) $5.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Darkrai Lv.X - 104-106(Buying Qty: 10) $14.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Dialga - 16-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Dialga Lv.X - 105-106(Buying Qty: 10) $30.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Exploud - 17-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Houndoom - 18-106(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Hypno - 19-106(Buying Qty: 7) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Kingler - 20-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Lapras - 21-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Latias - 22-106(Buying Qty: 8) $0.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Latios - 23-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Mawile - 24-106(Buying Qty: 8) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Milotic - 25-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Pachirisu - 5-106(Buying Qty: 9) $1.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Palkia - 26-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Palkia Lv.X - 106-106(Buying Qty: 9) $34.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Porygon-Z - 6-106(Buying Qty: 8) $1.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Primeape - 27-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Rotom - 7-106(Buying Qty: 8) $1.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Sceptile - 8-106(Buying Qty: 9) $6.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Slowking - 28-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Swampert - 9-106(Buying Qty: 8) $3.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Tangrowth - 10-106(Buying Qty: 8) $1.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Togekiss - 11-106(Buying Qty: 8) $11.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Unown H - 29-106(Buying Qty: 9) $2.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Wailord - 30-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Weezing - 31-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Wigglytuff - 32-106(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Altaria 12-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Amulet Coin 97-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Arbok 33-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.15
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Baltoy 60-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $6.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Beedrill 13-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.25
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Blaziken 1-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $1.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Buizel 61-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Butterfree 14-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $3.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Cacturne 34-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Caterpie 63-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Clamperl 64-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Claydol 15-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $2.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Combusken 35-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Cresselia 2-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Darkrai 3-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 8) $5.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Darkrai 4-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $5.00
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Delibird 36-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $0.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Dialga 16-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 9) $2.50
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Drowzee 65-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Ekans 66-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Exploud 17-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Feebas 67-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Felicity's Drawing 98-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.75
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Floatzel 37-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Glameow 68-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
Pokemon D&P Great Encounters Gorebyss 38-106 (RH)(Buying Qty: 10) $0.10
